
I am a 52 year old Australian and contemplating retiring early. This blog provides some resources to help older Australians to decide when to retire, and uses myself as a case study. Maybe some of the strategies I am using can be used by others (and maybe you can point out where I am going wrong!).

I am not a financial planner and only have a minimum of financial planning experience. I completed the first year of a Masters of Applied Finance at Macquarie University some time ago. I do have post grad qualifications in Mathematics and Computer Science and consider myself very numerate. Please check with your financial planner before using any of the content on this site.

The core of this blog is the Retirement Calculations post. It describes my retirement strategy. The Australian Super and Age Pension Rules post describes how the Super and Age pension rules work in Australia. It is used as reference material in Retirement calculations. The remaining posts mostly look at various aspects of my strategy, and the impacts of real or possible government changes on the strategy.

While this blog is specific to Australians some information could be useful to people in other countries. It is specific to Australians because of the Australian rules which relate to how much pension you can get from the Government and how Superannuation works.

If I have time, I will try to put the various planners in this blog online. I am working in Asia at the moment and the workday is long and onerous, so I am mostly working on this on weekends. Of course if I retire early, I should have more time :).

2 thoughts on “About

  1. Congratulations on a well documented response to the current ‘age pension/retirement’ situation. Besides the obvious fiscal features of retirement, social issues play a very big and often unexpected part. Take divorce for example. Suddenly at age 55 or so you find your best laid plans are shattered… and the only option is the government provided pension. Business failure and financial fraud also fall into this category.

    Neville Hopper, Retired school teacher, who has just paid off the house with all my super and am now on part pension.


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